Travel with a positive impact

About us
The Green Volunteers in the Cyclades program is going digital this year. We are rolling out a buffet of interesting insights and important actions (small and big) that everyone can take while in the Cyclades. Drawing from our network of experts and organisations protecting the natural beauty of the Cyclades, we invite a wide audience to be inspired and put hands, hearts and minds towards keeping the Cyclades flourishing while travelling or staying on the islands.
With a series of webinars and online content we’re aiming to enable interested active citizens and visitors of the Cycladic islands to support local environmental efforts and our network of organisations leading these efforts.
Watch our webinars to meet the people working to protect different aspects of Cycladic nature, and learn about the small but valuable actions you can take for harmonious ecological living in the cyclades. From spotting dolphins to carrying a jar for coffee, we’re making Cycladic travel green and right for flourishing.
Watch webinars with Cycladic initiatives and act to support our collective efforts.
Learn from projects protecting the Aegean about how you can act in support of their efforts. From sharing wildlife observations to making responsible seafood choices.
4 presenters and projects
30 mins per topic
Posidonia Alert
Pick the Alien
Naxos Wildlife centre
Citizen science networks
Action for all:
Report wildlife sightings
Order invasive fish dinner
Don’t anchor on the seagrass
See Cycladic nature with the wisdom of ecological literacy. Understand island nature, walk the routes of the land, and learn how to rescue injured wildlife.
3 presenters and projects
30 mins per topic
Alkyoni wildlife hospital
Local Ecology Expert
Andros Routes
Actions for all:
Walk the paths
Respond to injured wildlife
Learn with the local landscape
Explore how we can work together to enact positive changes, principles of collective action, and examples of active citizen groups in the Cyclades.
4 Presenters & local initiatives mapping
30 mins per topic
We Live Together
Save Ios
Dive in Action
Cyclades Preservation Fund network
Actions for all:
Explore local groups to support
Active citizenship principles
What does regenerative tourism mean? What are examples of it in the Cyclades, and the ways we can travel responsibly to help preserve local resilience?
5 Presentations
30 mins per topic
Mediterranean Centre of Environment
Common Seas: Clean Blue Paros
Sustainable Greece
Finding Greece & Mitato
Giorgaros Fishing Tours
Actions for all:
Responsible travel planning
Reducing waste